Get a Home Loan
If you need financing in order to purchase a home, it’s vital that you get pre-qualified by a reputable lender prior to beginning your home search. In Arizona, a buyer represented by a licensed real estate agent must present an Arizona Association of Realtors approved Loan Pre-Qualification Form with an offer to purchase real estate. Finding a qualified lender is very important to a successful home purchase–here are a few exemplary loan originators to consider when shopping for a loan:
- Sean Wohland, Mortgage Possible, sean.wohland@mortgagepossible.com 480.748.9989
- Eddie Knoell, Signature Home Loans, eddie@azmortgagebrothers.com 602-677-3105
- Nate Robinson, Guardian Mortgage, naterobinson@gmc-inc.com 602.799.7566
- Brian Yampolsky, Orion Mortgage, briany@orionmtg.com 602.912.0222 Ext 205
- Dean Wegner, Guardian Mortgage, DeanWegner@GMC-inc.com 480.286.3303
- Matt Webber, Fairway Independent Mortgage, matt.webber@fairwaymc.com 612.669.0757
- Mariah Snyder, Priority Funding, msnyder@priloan.com, 480.823.1566 (manufactured/mobile homes only)
- Jeremy House, Housed Homes Loans, jeremy@housedhomeloans.com 602.435.2149
- Kathy Martin, Nova Home Loans, kathleen.martin@novahomeloans.com 480.614.6436
- Shyann Eckel, Stearns Lending, seckel@stearns.com 928.774.2199
If you would like other referrals, please contact our office.